Talk to

Professional Seminar

Introductory Note:


Following its successful Open House given last year for friends, relatives and any interested persons that any of our members knew, Alpha Chapter of FPE in keeping with its position as the founding chapter extended itself one step further. We had a Professional Seminar. To this we invited psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family counsellors, attorneys, ministers, social workers, and even sent invitations to the FBI, the District Attorneys office, The Sheriffs Vice Detail and the LAPD Vice Squad.

While the turn out was much less than we had hoped for we did have a very interested group with persons from these various professions represented. Surprisingly there were no representatives of any of the law enforcement groups. Perhaps we can take this as a good sign in that they did not think TVs important enough to take the time to assign a man to look into it. Certainly if they regarded us as any kind of criminal or moral threat they would have been there. Apparently things are looking up.

The talk given by Virginia to this group is reprinted here both to give individual readers the ammunition it provides for their own use in explaining us to others but also in the hope that other groups will decide to follow Alphas example. The procedure was simply that we printed up a letter of invitation briefly setting forth what EPE was and what our purposes were in holding the seminar This was mailed out, we rented a hall and waited for the night to arrive. The program consisted of an